Jacob Zuma Calls for Unity Among Black South Africans to End Suffering

Jacob Zuma Calls for Unity Among Black South Africans to End Suffering

Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) party leader Jacob Zuma has urged black South Africans to unite and secure a two-thirds majority vote for the MK Party in the upcoming May elections to alleviate their suffering.

Launch of Election Manifesto

Zuma addressed party members and supporters at the launch of the party’s election manifesto held at a packed Orlando Stadium in Soweto, Johannesburg. The MK Party is a new contender in the 2024 May elections, a pivotal event as South Africans seek solutions to numerous socio-economic issues.

Socio-Economic Challenges

Reflecting on the socio-economic challenges, Zuma emphasized that the black community in South Africa remains unfree.

“When we speak of unemployment, it’s black people. When we speak of living in shacks, it us. When you want jobs, you have to travel far, you earn little, you must take care of your home here and your home back home.”

Criticism of Parliament Members

Zuma also criticized Members of Parliament for neglecting the concerns of ordinary South Africans, accusing them of prioritizing their positions over the public’s needs.

“Many of the people you vote for, you have only given them jobs. They don’t care about you. They just want to go to parliament. Even when they are in parliament, they don’t talk about the struggles we face. They just discuss their own matters. The only thing I hear them say, I’ve never heard them say anything else. A person stands up and says ‘point of order! Point of order!’ What does that help us with? It doesn’t help us with anything.”

Support from Duduzile Zuma

Speaking to the media, Zuma’s daughter Duduzile Zuma highlighted the significance of the manifesto to her and other staunch supporters of her father.

“We don’t take the people’s support lightly, we are grateful,”

she said. Duduzile noted that the manifesto addresses critical issues such as jobs, land, and various other social concerns faced by citizens.

Defiance Against Critics

Former President Jacob Zuma addressed his supporters at the Orlando Stadium, responding to critics who had labeled the Umkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) as “fake.”

“They labelled Umkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) ‘fake’ and thought we were playing when it was launched, but watch this space, May 29 is coming and you’ll witness the real government,”

Zuma told the crowd.

He expressed confidence that the MKP would make a significant impact on Election Day.

“Come election Day, May 29, they will feel us, they said we were a fake organisation and would not last. They didn’t know our intentions, elamancaba elizayo,”

he stated.

Vision for a New South Africa

Zuma’s speech at the MKP’s “mandate” rally, held just a week before the 2024 national and provincial elections, emphasized the party’s vision for a new South Africa. He outlined their plans to address issues such as safety and security, healthcare services, service delivery, proper water and sanitation, and infrastructure.
Stance on Lawlessness and Youth

He assured that an MKP government would not tolerate lawlessness and would address it promptly.

“This thing of the youth drinking alcohol and doing as they please will come to an end,”

he said.

Promises for Economic Improvement

Zuma promised that an MKP government would focus on creating jobs and business opportunities to boost the country’s economy. He criticized the current leadership for failing to provide adequate services to the people.

Zuma’s appeal to black South Africans to unite and vote for the MKP underscores the party’s commitment to addressing the socio-economic challenges facing the nation. The upcoming elections present a crucial opportunity for change, as the MKP seeks to implement its vision for a better South Africa.
