MK Party Sends Heavyweights to NCOP

MK Party Sends Heavyweights to NCOP

The uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party is preparing to send a team of prominent figures to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) as early as this week. The party has revealed that former Eskom CEO, Brian Molefe, former Prasa CEO, Lucky Montana, former Transnet CEO Siyabonga Gama, and former SARS commissioner, Tom Moyane, are among those selected to be its new members in the NCOP.

Montana confirmed yesterday that he was approached by the MK Party and accepted their proposal to become one of its MPs.

“I can confirm that I was approached and accepted,” Montana said.

He also mentioned that other black professionals had been approached as well.

“I know Brian Molefe and Siyabonga Gama were also approached and they also accepted,” he added.

This latest move by the MK Party is reportedly causing concern within the ANC. A senior ANC member, who is also part of the governing party’s national executive committee, expressed worry about the potential impact.

“If these guys get sworn in as members of parliament, it will be difficult for the ANC. These comrades are some of the smartest people that we sacrificed for selfish and factional reasons,” he said.

He also pointed out that arguments against Molefe, Montana, and Gama based on their implications in the state capture commission are flawed, considering that ANC members who were also implicated remain in parliament.

“People will say these guys were implicated in the state capture commission, but our own comrades were also implicated. Zizi (Kodwa) was just sworn in this week after he appeared in court the other week. In all fairness, that argument doesn’t hold water as the ANC has comrades who were implicated but who are still in parliament. Our own national chairperson, Gwede Mantashe, was also implicated in the Zondo commission and he is in parliament after he was sworn in as a member. Zweli Mkhize, who was forced to resign as minister of health after he was implicated in the digital vibes scandal, has also been sworn in as a member of parliament. People living in glass houses must stop throwing stones. We must just accept that [former president Jacob] Zuma has outsmarted us,” he added.

MK officials have been reluctant to confirm or deny these appointments. However, discussions about Molefe and Montana took place at the party’s first lekgotla in Bela Bela, Limpopo province, over the weekend.

“We aren’t going to run our organisation through the media and therefore we are not going to confirm or deny that we are sending Brian and them to parliament,” a senior party official, who asked not to be named, said.

Nevertheless, three other officials, also speaking anonymously, confirmed that Molefe and Montana might soon be sworn in as members of parliament.

“All I know is that we have accepted a list of candidates we must send to the NCOP and that Brian and Lucky’s names are in there, but whether they have accepted our offer, I don’t know. We are bringing big guns to parliament because we are going to war to finally liberate our people,” one of the officials said.

In a related development, Corruption Watch last week withdrew its court application to have Molefe declared a delinquent director. The organisation had taken Molefe to court after the Zondo commission recommended further investigation against him. Molefe’s lawyer, Mpho Molefe of Molaba Attorneys, said his client felt vindicated by the withdrawal.

He stated that Molefe had suffered economically and professionally due to baseless and defamatory statements aimed at damaging his reputation. Corruption Watch did not provide reasons for the withdrawal.

Montana, on his part, has been vocal about his views on Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, who chaired the state capture commission. He accused Zondo of abusing his power.

“It is also my firm view that the reports of the state capture commission should not only be taken on review but criminal charges be laid against Justice Zondo personally for his deliberate violation of the law, abuse of power, criminal conduct, and disgraceful conduct. He used this commission to effectively protect the real criminals among us and consolidated their power,” Montana said.

Montana confirmed yesterday that he has taken Zondo’s report on review and expressed his readiness to serve the country.

“I am ready to serve my country, which I offered back in 2018 that I was willing to work in parliament for free as long as it is for the benefit of our people,” Montana explained.

Gama, along with other former Transnet executives, including Molefe, Anoj Singh, Regiments directors Niven Pillay and Litha Nyhonyha, former Transnet acting CFO Garry Pita, former group treasurer Phetolo Ramosebudi, Regiments Capital shareholder Eric Wood, his employee Daniel Roy, and Kuben Moodley, owner of Albatime, are facing fraud and corruption charges. They are all out on bail, with the matter currently in the Gauteng High Court.

Attempts to reach MK spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela for comment were unsuccessful.
