I-MK Party Ingenelela Okubalulekile Esizindeni Sokuvota se-ANC, IFP, kanye ne-EFF

I-MK Party Ingenelela Okubalulekile Esizindeni Sokuvota se-ANC, IFP, kanye ne-EFF

Njengoba kubalwa imiphumela yokhetho kusenesikhathi kuvela izinkomba zokuthi kuvela uJacob Zuma Iphathi ye-MK izuza kakhulu, iphonsela inselelo izizinda ze-ANC, IFP, ne-EFF KwaZulu-Natal. Ukusebenza okuncomekayo kweqembu le-MK sekukulungele ukunyakazisa isimo sezepolitiki esifundazweni futhi kunciphise iningi le-ANC.

Imiphumela yokuqala evela ezindaweni ebezithembekile kuKhongolose ikhombisa iqembu le-MK lihola ngamaphesenti angaphezu kwamahlanu. Khonamanjalo i-IFP iqhwakele endaweni yesithathu kanti iDA isendaweni yesine.

EWestern Cape, iPatriotic Alliance kaGayton McKenzie yenza kahle, iqeda isisekelo sokwesekwa kweDA.

Isiteshi sezindaba sikamabonakude i-eNCA sibikezela ukuthi i-ANC izogcina ilawula i-Eastern Cape neNorthern Cape.

I-Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) ibikezele ukuthi i-ANC izokwehla ngo-15% emiphumeleni yokugcina yokhetho. USolwazi Pravesh Debba we-CSIR uthe imodeli yabo ilindele ukuthi i-ANC ithole amavoti angu-42%, i-DA 22%, iqembu le-MK i-12.8%, kanye ne-EFF 9%.

Ngesikhathi salokhu kuqagela, i-ANC yayinevoti elingu-41.5%, i-DA 28.18%, i-EFF 7.7%, iqembu le-MK i-7%, kanye ne-PA ngaphansi kuka-2%. I-PA kulindeleke ukuthi yehle ngokuqhubekayo.

Ukubikezela kwe-CSIR kwenziwa ngamavoti angu-8.5% abaliwe. Okhethweni lwango-2019, isibikezelo sabo besinesaphulelo esingu-2% emaqenjini amakhulu asunguliwe. Kodwa-ke, ukubikezela kwamaqembu amasha njenge-MK kuyinselele ngenxa yokuntuleka kwedatha yomlando. USolwazi uDebba ubalule ukuthi ukuqagela kwe-MK kungase kube ihaba ngenxa yalo mkhawulo.

Ecabanga ngobunzima bokubikezela amaqembu amasha, ucaphune ukhetho lokuqala lwe-EFF ngo-2014, lapho umfuziselo wabikezela u-3-4%, kodwa i-EFF yathola u-8.39%.

I-CSIR ibibikezela ngokunembile imiphumela yokhetho kusukela ngo-1999.

Amavoti amaningi abikwa ezifundeni ezincane zokuvota ezweni lonke. Ku-10.02% wesibalo, i-ANC ibilandelela ngaphansi kuka-50% cishe ku-42% ngamavoti angaphansi kuka-300,000. I-DA ibambe endaweni yesibili ngamavoti angu-26.34% noma angu-207,779, i-EFF yathola angu-8.1% noma angu-63,932, iqembu le-MK lathola amavoti angu-7.6% noma angu-60,115, kwathi i-PA yathola angu-4.9% noma angu-38,805.

Iqembu le-MK ligxeke iKhomishana ezimele yoKhetho (IEC) “ngokungaphathi kahle uhlelo lokhetho oluqhubekayo ngokubukela phansi amalungelo abo bonke abantu baseNingizimu Afrika okuzikhethela uhulumeni wabo ngokukhululeka.” Bathi ikhomishini “ibonise ukuntula ikhono ngokushaya indiva ukwazisa ngezinguquko ezibalulekile kuMthetho Wokhetho, ikakhulukazi iSigaba 24,” mayelana nemfuneko yokuba abavoti bavote ezindaweni zabo ezibhalisiwe.

Muzi Ntshingila, head of elections for the MK party, stated,

“This change was poorly communicated merely days before the elections, leading to widespread confusion and disenchantment among the electorate.”

He further added,

“Such missteps not only compromise the electoral process but also frustrated citizens whose primary concern is a change towards a better life from the pains of the (President Cyril) Ramaphosa-ANC.”

The MK party has called for the resignation of the IEC’s top management, accusing them of bringing the organization into disrepute.

Thousands of voters across the nation were still in queues after midnight on Thursday, following the May 29 elections, which saw extensive lines, particularly in the metropolitan areas of Durban, Johannesburg, and Cape Town.

These significant delays were attributed to persistent glitches in the voter management devices (VMDs) at several municipalities, causing prolonged waiting times as voters queued to cast their ballots.

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Jacob Zuma News

Sithumele Umlayezo
