Kuhlelelwe Ukulalelwa Kwezigwegwe OwayenguMengameli Jacob Zuma ekomkhulu le-ANC

Kuhlelelwe Ukulalelwa Kwezigwegwe OwayenguMengameli Jacob Zuma ekomkhulu le-ANC

Johannesburg - Lowo owayenguMengameli wezwe, uMnuz Jacob Zuma, ubizelwe ukuthi avele phambi kwekomidi eliqondisa izigwegwe le-African National Congress (ANC) ngoLwesibili oluzayo. Lokhu kulandela isimemezelo sakhe sokuthi uhlose ukuvotela i-ANC okhethweni oluzayo, ephula umthethosisekelo weqembu.

Ukulalelwa kwecala kuhlelelwe eLuthuli House, okuyihhovisi elikhulu le-ANC eGoli, okuzophawula isigameko esibalulekile odabeni olukhona ngaphakathi eqenjini.

Zuma’s Shift in Political Allegiance

Zuma, who now leads the Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, declared his support for this new political entity last December. At the launch, he emphatically stated, “I cannot and will not campaign for the ANC of Ramaphosa. My conscience will not allow me to lie to the people of South Africa and pretend that the ANC of Ramaphosa was the one of [late former ANC leaders Albert] Luthuli, [Oliver] Tambo, and [Nelson] Mandela.”

“I cannot and will not campaign for the ANC of Ramaphosa. My conscience will not allow me to lie to the people of South Africa and pretend that the ANC of Ramaphosa was the one of [late former ANC leaders Albert] Luthuli, [Oliver] Tambo, and [Nelson] Mandela,” Zuma said.

Despite his leadership role in the MK Party, Zuma maintains that he remains an ANC member, though his allegiance at the polls will be with the MK Party. The ANC views this as a contravention of its constitutional guidelines.

Umongo Wokhetho Oluzayo

Ukhetho lukazwelonke nolwezifundazwe luzobanjwa mhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba wezi-2024, okuwusuku olubukeka lushubile njengoba i-ANC ibhekene nengwadla yokungaboni ngaso linye ngaphakathi kanye nokuhlubuka kukaZuma.
Party Ukuphendula kanye Nezenzo Zenqubo

Ephendula isenzo sakhe, i-ANC imise ukumiswa kukaZuma isikhashana ngoJanuwari ngaphansi koMthetho 25 womthethosisekelo weqembu, ikhala ngokuthi weseka ngokusobala iqembu le-MK. Lokhu kuphawula isikhathi esibalulekile njengoba i-ANC ithatha isinqumo sokuthi izobhekana kanjani nezingqinamba zokwethembeka nokungezwani phakathi kwezinhlaka zayo.

Ukusekela uZuma

Okhulumela i-MK Party uNhlamulo Ndhlela uzwakalise ukumeseka okuqinile uZuma, wathi uzobhekana namacala abekwe wona ngokuzimisela nangokuzimisela. UNdhlela uphinde waveza ukuthi abalandeli bohlelo lwe-MK Party lokuhlangana ngaphandle kwekomkhulu le-ANC ukuze basekele uZuma ngesikhathi eqondiswa izigwegwe, okuwuphawu lombuthano ongase ube mkhulu.

Lesi sigcawu sokuqondiswa kwezigwegwe asimele nje ukuphonsela inselelo uZuma kodwa siyisinyathelo esibalulekile kuKhongolose njengoba sibheka imithelela yokwethembeka kwezepolitiki kanye namagugu ngaphambi kovivinyo olubucayi lokhetho.
