Ongqongqoshe 'Baqinisekisa' Ukuthula Nokuzinza Phakathi Nezingxabano Zokhetho

Ongqongqoshe 'Baqinisekisa' Ukuthula Nokuzinza Phakathi Nezingxabano Zokhetho

NgeSonto uNgqongqoshe wamaPhoyisa uBheki Cele, uNgqongqoshe wezokuVikela uThandi Modise, uNgqongqoshe weHhovisi likaMengameli uKhumbuzo Ntshaveni, uNgqongqoshe wezaseKhaya u-Aaron Motsoaledi noKhomishana wamaPhoyisa uFannie Masemola baqinisekise umphakathi ukuthi ngeke bavumele ukuthi kube nokuphazamiseka kokusimama kwezwe.

Lesi simemezelo silandela izingcingo zalowo owayenguMengameli uJacob Zuma kanye nabathile Iphathi ye-MK ukuze kuqhutshekwe nokhetho lwangomhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba. Baveze ukuphikisa okungaphezulu kuka-500 mayelana nezinsolo zokungahambi kahle ngesikhathi kubalwa namavoti. UZuma uxwayise ngokuthi ukudedelwa kwe- imiphumela phakathi kwalezi zikhalo, ezinwetshwe kwaze kwashaya u-6pm ngoMgqibelo, bekuzobe “kucunula” iqembu.

Phezu kwalezi zikhalo, i-IEC iveze ngoMgqibelo ebusuku ukuthi izikhalo azisho lutho kumphumela wokugcina futhi yamemezela izinhlelo zokukhipha imiphumela ngeSonto ntambama.

Police Minister Bheki Cele emphasized during a National Joint Intelligence Structure (Natjoints) briefing that the police were prepared to ensure peace and stability.

“We are satisfied with how law enforcement agencies prevented and responded to incidents that would have otherwise tarnished the 7th general elections in the country,” Cele stated. “The Natjoints have further briefed the Ministers of the Security Cluster on their preparedness to assure the safety and security of the country in the post-election phase… As the Security Cluster, we would like to assure South Africans that the law enforcement agencies stand ready to maintain peace and stability as they have done throughout the elections period. Any attempt to undermine the authority of the State and South Africa’s constitutional order will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly,”

said Cele.

Defence Minister Thandi Modise noted that while they had not engaged with the MK party, they continued to call for calm.

“In the past elections we have always behaved in accordance with our Constitution. We are appealing to all parties. We all have the same rights not only to exercise their rights. Our plea is to all parties. We do not think we want to have a conversation with any individual party. We are appealing to South Africans to respect the law,”

said Modise.

The MK party had alleged during their briefing on Saturday night that two individuals were arrested in connection with supposed IT interference, which caused the election results leaderboard to go offline for two hours on Friday. However, Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola refuted this claim, stating no arrests had been made.

Presidency Minister Khumbuzo Ntshaveni highlighted that all political parties had signed a declaration to abide by the electoral code of conduct and emphasized that law enforcement would act against anyone, regardless of their status, who undermined the country’s stability.

“Anyone who wants to undermine the stability of the country, the law enforcement will have to deal with them. The bottom line is there is a law and there is dispute resolution mechanisms in place,”

she said.

Cele also referenced the Commission of Inquiry into the July 2021 riots, noting that public order policing and crime intelligence had since been enhanced, providing the police with more preventative measures than before.

“Umthetho ngeke ube namehlo okubona ukuthi ungubani,”

Kusho uNtshaveni.

UModise ubalule ukuthi impendulo yombutho wamasosha ngezibhelu zikaJulayi 2021 ibambezelekile kodwa waqinisekisa ukuthi manje sebekulungele ukusukumela ngokushesha noma yiziphi izinsongo.

“Ngeke sibekezelele noma ngubani ogxambukela emalungelweni ezakhamizi. Sizithatha ngokungathi sína kakhulu ngalolo daba. Abantu baseNingizimu Afrika banenkululeko yokukhuluma, kodwa inemingcele. Uma iqala ukubeka izimpilo nempahla engcupheni, sizothatha isinyathelo. Uma isifikile lapho abantu besengozini, bese kuba yibhizinisi lethu, siyethemba ukuthi ngeke siye lapho,”

Kusho uModise.

UNtshaveni uphinde wagcizelela ukuthi iqembu le-MK kumele lisebenzise izindlela zokuxazulula izingxabano ezikhona, njengoba kushiwo uMthetho Wokhetho futhi olawulwa yi-IEC.

“Zonke izinhlangothi zisayine imigomo yokuziphatha. Yilokho okumele kusetshenziswe. Uma usongela uzinzo lweriphabhulikhi kuzofanele umthetho uthathe indawo yawo,”

Kusho uNtshaveni.

Kulindeleke ukuthi kuqinisekiswe imiphumela yokhetho namhlanje ntambama, i-ANC, DA, MK, EFF, ne-IFP okugqame njengamaqembu amahlanu ahamba phambili. Kulindeleke ukuthi kumenyezelwe uhulumeni wobumbano kuleli sonto.

Bheki Cele, who is # 79 on the national list, has not made the cut. Man isn’t going to parliament, unless some comrade is knocked off the list. I’d be very surprised if that happened. He’s not helped much with KZN, a huge blow to the ANC. [But] if he knows things, he might be kept busy with something, somewhere. Diplomat?
